
We are the bridge to connect demand and supply. Moreover, with our industry know-how, we develop innovative products with customers and manufacturers globally.

Facial Sheet Mask

Mask is a perfect treatment to help skin keep in the best condition. Sheet mask was first popular in Asia. As it's easy to use and effective, it becomes a "must have" product in the collections. Bailliance specialize in bio-cellulose sheet mask. We also provide non-woven, ECO-cert cotton mask to meet customers' different product portfolio.

Private Label Skincare 

Balliance partnership with great labs and manufacturers to provide safe, effective, and innovative skincare solutions. From raw material to tailored solutions, we have diverse business models to fit customers demand. We focus on products, customers focus on booming business. 

Sourcing Information

Based in Asia, we have strong connections with innovative and high-quality manufactures. We can be the purchase office for global customers to have local touch. Customers can rely on Balliance for product sourcing, manufacture auditing, and quality control.

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